October 25, 2009

Iced Blended Coffee Stat!

I hate to admit to feening for that perfect cup of coffee, but I do.
Last week I visited my mother and as if I were a robot, proceeded to fix a pot of coffee without thinking. I tried my best to drink it all, but the sugar-free creamer she had made me want to vomit. I personally like half and half and raw sugar.

Anyhoooo, I ended up pouring what was left of the unsweetened, thick black stuff into an empty water bottle and storing at home in the fridge.

The next day as I prepared to make a fresh pot, a light bulb appeared over my head. I wanted a coffee like they make at that expensive ass Starbucks. Oh, so delicious (or as my family would say "Oishii").

Thinking like a barista on crack, I poured eight ounces into a blender with a few ice cubes and 2 teaspoons of raw sugar with a couple ounces of half and half. the blender roared for a few seconds and out poured manna, magically into my tall mug.

I was proud for not wasting and also proud that I managed to not spill a drop as it poured down my gullet. I even licked my lips to make sure.